How to make your brand more recognizable

 In Behind the Scenes, Brand Design, Branding Basics, Entrepreneurship, HOW TO, Image Creation, Marketing, Personal Branding, The Blog

I totally get how frustrating it is when you have something amazing to offer, but every effort you make to be seen  is overshadowed by all the other people in your industry vying for the same space.

Here’s the scary truth – the online digital landscape is getting noisier and noisier.  It’s making us all have to fight so much harder to get noticed by the people who need us the most.

And with unemployment on the rise and so many companies on a hiring freeze, hordes people are using this opportunity to start their own business.  And honestly, it’s probably the right thing to do.

So, what does that mean for you?  

Well, it means that standing out from the noise is more critical than ever.  It means that you’ll  have to step up your game.  And most importantly it means that you have to stay mentally strong!  

Why?  Because your mindset is everything!  Without it, your odds for success are pretty low.  

So, no complaining about how much more work you’ll have to do.  Deal?  

Remember, this is your dream!  It’s up to you to make it happen.

The importance of branding and why it matters.

There’s a huge difference between having a brand and having a business.  

A business is where currency is exchanged for a product or a service.  

A brand is the vibe or personality of a business.  It’s how you connect with people from an emotional perspective.

I talk about it a little bit more in depth in this blog post, but for now, I’ll keep this very high level.  

Your brand is what makes you different from what other people in your industry are doing.  

This is why it’s so important to get clear on who you are, what you do and who you serve.

The breakdown.

There is one key element to branding that most entrepreneurs fail to do, which is create consistency in all aspects of your branding. The more consistent you are the more recognizable and memorable you become.

When your brand is recognizable you’ll start to leave a greater, more positive impression on the people you want to attract. 

Follow these 3 steps to make sure your brand has what it takes to cut through the noise and stand out to the people you want to attract most.

Step 1.  Show up.

Whether it’s on social media or in email, when you show up regularly your audience will know that your brand is the real deal. 

And it’s important to remember, your agenda should not be to sell every time you show up.  It should be to establish your authority, to offer value, to teach people about what you do and why you do it.

You’ll start to develop credible relationships with people who believe in what you’re doing simply because you’re showing up for them.  This is the foundation of true brand loyalty and it’s the number one way to build a following of the right people you can serve best.

Your brand will be remembered for your expertise and generosity.  And guess who will be the first one they think of when they have a specific problem that needs to be solved?  That’s right, YOU! 

Step 2. Stick to your message.

Every single aspect of your content creation should go back to your mission in some way.  So make sure there’s clarity on what that is.  This means that you shouldn’t try to be cute or clever.  Cute and clever is too vague.  You need to be clear.

What exactly is the message you’re trying to deliver?  What are you doing to help make people’s lives better?  What do people need to hear from you and how are you going to say it? 

The message and your voice should come through loud and clear.  It should be undeniable.

Find ways to inspire people with your message.  Branding is all about feelings.  The more connected people feel to your brand the more they’ll want to hear from you.

If you start to stray from your message you will only confuse people as to what you’re selling and what your expertise is.  

The truth is, most people want to feel loved and cared for.  Do that by understanding your customer and what they struggle the most with.  Then infuse it into your messaging, consistently.

From a holistic perspective, it is the most honest and compassionate way to sell anything.

Step 3.  Maintain your vibe/ image.

Here’s something a lot of entrepreneurs tend to forget – your brand image is not designed for you, but for the people you want to attract.  

Of course it’s important for you to like it and feel good about it, but the bigger question is, how will it make your audience feel.

Get clear on your ideal customer, who they are and what will resonate most with them.  

When you are clear on who your audience is then you know how to reach them through the “emotion” of your brand image. 

People “see” your brand before they read it.  If it feels right to them then they will inevitably want to know more. 

Maintaining the consistency in the feeling of your brand through color and image is how you become visually recognizable to your audience and another way to build trust and loyalty.

Enjoy the results.

So you can see how important it is to be consistent in your branding. The more consistent you are the easier it will be to recognize your brand. 

Use this strategy across all platforms and you will have greater success – especially when it comes to marketing!

Need more help building your brand strategy and image?  Schedule a free 20 minute call with me here.


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How Branding Can Increase the Effectiveness of Your Marketing StrategyBlog Post Title Image